Local Heroes



Piano concert fundraiser: EUR 15.000 for classrooms in Kenya

Piano concert fundraiser: EUR 15.000 for classrooms in Kenya

The talented siblings Audrey, Jayden and Brayden Sung from Canada gave an exclusive concert on July 5 at Kasteel Duivenvoorde. Through this fantastic event, set up by Rijnlands Lyceum, EUR 15,000 was donated to Local Heroes, enabling the realization of yet another few...

School projects in Kenya

School projects in Kenya

In March, Driss Rahouani, sports teacher at Rijnlands Lyceum, and our board member Willem visited several projects sponsored by Local Heroes in Kenya. It is great to see the impact of the Rijnlands fundraising!


Project Nyanga in South Africa

Project Nyanga in South Africa

Local Heroes is pleased to support Project Nyanga with the 'Friends of Stars in their Eyes Foundation'. This project focuses on health, sports and...

Dormitory for St Philip’s school, Poghoi, Kenya

Dormitory for St Philip’s school, Poghoi, Kenya

We are very happy that funds have been raised to complete the girl's dormitory at the St Philip's primary school in Poghoi, Kenya. The dormitory is key in order to protect the girls at the school, so that they can safely sleep there instead of walking many miles every...

New facilities Peota Primary School, Kenya

New facilities Peota Primary School, Kenya

New class rooms are being built at this school in Peota thanks to fundraising by Dutch primary schools. The building project is fully managed locally, with the involvement and support of local hero Alexander Tidony and the 'Samen Succes' foundation. Peota Primary...

Onze Missie:

Local Heroes wil de gezondheid en leefomstandigheden van schoolkinderen in Afrika verbeteren

Dit doen we door fondsen te werven voor projecten op het gebied van onderwijs, gezondheidszorg en beweging. De ‘local heroes’ zijn de verbindende schakel in hun eigen Afrikaanse regio’s.

“My mission as a world class athlete was breaking world records and winning Olympic Medals. Now it is the wellbeing of my people in Ethiopia. Education and health care are key factors for development. That is why I give my full support to Local Heroes”.

Haile Gebrselassie
Voormalig Olympisch kampioen en wereldrecordhouder